Friday, March 16, 2007

Some (more) Inconvenient Truths

I am not an environmentalist, but rather a conservationist. I believe we need to set aside areas and manage them to the best of our abilities. As a hunter, I understand the balance that needs to be struck between over-harvest and over-population of species and habitat. I gladly obey the laws that have been established so I can continue to enjoy the beauty of nature, the challenge of the hunt and a hope of passing both appreciations down to my children.

I see in nature and the environment a deeply intricate design of God which man has only understood a fraction of its complexity. Because my Worldview is so oriented I am skeptical of the broad "scientific" claims made in the name of global warming. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Here are some quotes that I appreciated in a recent article I read.

"From the technical perspective, if anthropogenic [man-made] warming is real, then why is Earth’s closest neighbor warming? According to recent studies, the Martian climate is not only undergoing a dramatic change, its caps are melting “at an alarming rate.” Could it be the naysayers who claim that sun spot cycles and solar winds are major drivers in this phenomenon are onto something?"

"It’s also important to realize that every group has its special interests, be they financial, political, or spiritual. Mr. Gore noted, "You can't make somebody understand something if their salary depends upon them not understanding it." That’s well said; but it applies equally to him and his camp as it does to his critics."

"Having said all this, let me add that I agree with many of the recommendations in An Inconvenient Truth. Recycling more, driving less, adjusting our thermostats, reducing consumables, planting trees, and the like, are the right things to do. All are in keeping with biblical stewardship, regardless of global warming. "

Read the entire article Some Inconvenient Truths by Regis Nicoll at Breakpoint.

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Dear Sign

I took up a new hobby when I moved back to Idaho a few years ago, deer hunting. What began as a simple interest has now flared to an annual 6 week obsession. My wife is usually pretty good about the time I spend out in the woods. However, by the end of November I begin overhearing whispered words such as “intersession” and “addiction” in her phone conversations.
I really blew it big just two Saturdays ago when I spent the whole day, dawn-to-dark hunting. Just a normal November Saturday except this time I was leaving the next day for a week-long training class. This would have been a good time to have studied “dear” sign instead of deer sign because I missed all the clues. I am resolved not to make that mistake again.
This week’s hunting is off to a promising start. Because of Thanksgiving, I will have Thursday morning and all the weekend to find that big buck I missed. I won’t be in trouble with my wife because all the relatives will be here to keep her company. As I head out the door with rifle in hand I catch a funny look from my wife…I think a relative is starting to get on her nerves.

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